Sunday, May 19, 2013

11:22 PST - Washington

The United States has asked Israel to return the 14 US detainees to the United States for fair trials multiple times through diplomatic and friendly channels but has been completely ignored. The United States and Israel has always had good relationships and United States has consistently supported Israel in the International community, however, today, Israel has proven that this relationship was one-sided. US citizens along with citizens of numerous NATO nations are being held and tortured by Israeli officials and the US will not stand and watch this. French nationals, Turkish national, Dutch nationals, British nationals and Italian nationals are being tortured as the world watches. The United States is highly disappointed and dismayed at Israel’s recent acts. The United States, as a champion for democracy and human rights, no longer share the same interest as Israel. In regards to that, the United States is suspending all military trade with Israel and will stop all financial support. The United States once again would like to emphasize that all the United States wants is an end to the torturing being done by Israelis and the return of the 14 US citizens. The United States hopes that Israel is able to comply with this simply request and to allow our partnership to be reinstated and to allow no further escalation in this crisis.

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