Saturday, May 18, 2013

NATO Newsroom: Official Press Release

Although NATO is pleased by Israel’s condemnation of the recent attacks on Turkey, we expect proactive measures to be taken in order to prevent further terrorist actions by LEHI or similar groups.  

NATO would wish to offer its Intelligence Fusion Centre and logistical support to the involved NATO states, as well as Israel. We hope to spread and integrate counter terrorist information so that we may help countries to remove terrorist threats and prevent terrorist attacks both within and outside of their borders.

We also wish to condemn any actions taken by Hezbollah and Hamas intended to incite hostilities and that may lead to further loss of innocent lives. Actions to reduce tensions in the region cannot lie solely upon Israel, but must involve all relevant governments and organizations.

While holding Israel as a close ally, NATO frowns upon their recent actions of holding international detainees without reasonable explanation to justify their detention.

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