Sunday, May 19, 2013

Can We Trust the CIA?

May 19th, 2013
Virginia - Fox News has received information from a trusted source at the CIA, that Speaker of the House John Boehner had an investigation ordered on the Director of the CIA John Brennan. Boehner, frustrated with the quality of the CIA's intelligence over the last couple of days. The results of the investigation have been sent to Fox News by our source, and it is reprinted without edits or censure:

Request of investigation
From: John Boehner
On: John Brennan

This report is in response to a request by Speaker of the House of Representative John Boehner, regarding the recent behavior of Director of the CIA John Brennan.

Reason Provided by Boehner: In the recent developments with the raid on the Turkish flotilla, the CIA has consistently been unable to provide timely, and accurate intelligence regarding these crises, and the actions of the leadership must be questioned.

An inquiry into his actions in the last couple of days have not uncovered much information. Mr. Brennan is a very private man, and he spends much time in his office study at his residence, when not in the CIA Office. Sources close to him have stated that he has been agitated and frustrated as of late, which may be affecting his performance.

Mr. Brennan has a fantastic record with the CIA, and is well-respected amongst his peers. As Director of the CIA, he has not had any major shortcomings in his short tenure after replacing General Petraeus. Additionally, he was the team member representing Seal Team 6, at the time of Operation Neptune’s Spear.  

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