Sunday, May 19, 2013

President Obama has explored all options towards the situation regarding the fifty hostages within the Israeli prison system following yesterday's flotilla incident. Exhausting all possibilities, it seems there is no feasible motion for the United States to receive and repatriate the hostages, several of which were Americans. Members of the United States Cabinet failed to create a feasible solution on the situation, despite their many resources, and thus have not be able to retrieve the hostages. The situation remains unresolved.

Arab League Boycott of Israel Strengthens

Economic pressure against Israel rose significantly this morning as Bahrain, the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Egypt agreed on additional boycotts against 10 categories of Israeli goods. In an unprecedented move, Saudi Aramco decided to enforce a ban on sale of Saudi petroleum products to Israel.

The TA-25 Israeli benchmark index reacted negatively to the news, plummeting 4.5% to 5-year lows. Oil futures traded in Tel Aviv climbed 10%.

Riots erupted in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and other major cities over the expected rise in prices and the mismanagement of the country's foreign policy by the current administration. S&P, the major credit rating agency, lowered Israel's credit rating to BBB over fears that war would deteriorate the country's historically well run fiscal policy. The IMF issued a report criticizing the current administration, expecting a large hit to the country's balance of payments.

Press Release from the Office of the President of the Russian Federation

The Russian Federation extends its condolences for the loss of the great leader and ally Bashar Al-Assad. This is a great blow to freedom and stability in the region. The Russian Federation hopes for a peaceful transition of power in Ba’ath Party, and urges the continued fight against the Western Imperialist backed rebels in the country. Vladimir Putin has made preparations to attend the funeral of Assad, who has been a long-time personal friend of the President. 




Bashar Al-Assad has been assassinated by his wife, Asmaa al Assad. Asmaa allegedly stabbed him in his sleep while they were in bed in their palace in Damascus.

It has been leaked that Asmaa killed the dictator out of revenge for the death of her Al-Jazeera lover Mohammed. Reports tell us that she has fled back to the UK where she was born.

This news comes in the middle of a massive unfortunate series of events in Syria. The death of Assad will probably put an end to all the conflict.

US Sends Navy

Sunday, May 19th

London -
The United States Navy has mobilized elements of the Fifth Fleet to the Northwestern Gulf, off the the coast of Kuwait to standby until further instructions. These elements, designated "CTF 151" include the carrier, John C. Stennis, 2 Ticonderoga-class Cruisers, the USS Antietam and USS Leyte Gulf, as multi-mission support vessels, 3 Arleigh Burke-class Destroyers, the USS Barry, USS Litscher, and USS Laboon, 2 Wasp-class LHD vessels, the USS Wasp and USS Kearsage containing elements of the Marine Expeditionary Force, a Whidbey Island-class LSD, the USS Whidbey Island, the retasking of a P-3C Orion Long Range ASW Aircraft for the purpose of regional surveillance and overwatch for naval forces, as well as multiple logistical and supply vessels to support CTF 151. Other naval forces in the region will be put on standby, should their increased involvement or support is needed.

NATO Launches Bombing Campaign on Syria

A huge bombing campaign has been launched by NATO on Syria. American aircraft were deployed from Turkey in the early hours of the morning. 


NATO has bombed strategic military locations within Damascus and Aleppo. The United States of America will used their 14th Air Division in order to provide strategic bombings on the targeted areas. Aircraft, including 2 F-111F tactical bombers, launched from the Incirlik Air Force Base, located in Turkey. 

These bombings are a direct response to the recent attacks on countries serving in NATO, including the United Kingdom and Germany. 

Minimal civilian casualties have been reported.


In order to resume regular relations between Israel and Turkey, Turkey has these demands to be met:

1.       Release of the civilian detainees
2.       An official apology to the people of Turkey and compensation for their actions towards our people
3.       An official apology for behavior towards the international community  
4.       Permanent halt in the illegal settlement construction
5.       Resume negotiations with the Palestine with the 1967 borders as the future Palestinian state
6.       Lift the siege of Gaza

Israel’s action has proven they are not willing to cooperate with the international community and that diplomatic pressure must be imposed on them if there is to be peace in the Middle East. Turkey wishes for a normalization of ties, and sees many areas of cooperation between Israel and Turkey, but cannot stand by while the people of Gaza languish under an unjust siege and our citizens are held with impunity and tortured. 

Injured Norwegian diplomat no longer injured

The Norwegian diplomat who was injured in yesterday's suicide bombing in Beirut has unexpectedly died. Hospital staff refused to comment beyond, "unforeseen complications during surgery." Magnus Felland was just 33 years old. According to his Facebook page he attended the University of Oslo and enjoyed picnics.

German Special Forces Rescue Downed Pilot

Breaking News:

German special forces from the Kommando Spezialkräfte successfully rescued a German NATO pilot that was being held by the Syrian military.

12 operatives flew into Southern Syria overnight and stormed the compound the pilot was being held in.

The commander of the operation said multiple Syrian soldiers were killed during the operation.


Deceased Al Jazeera Reporter Romanced Wife of Syrian President

Former Al Jazeera reporter, Mohammed, who was killed on the Syrian border is rumored to have romanced the wife of Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad.

Hacked emails show a correspondence between the infamous reporter and British-born Asma Al-Assad.

The Al-Assad family failed to comment on these emails or their validity.

Al Jazeera refused to comment.

Barack Obama Press Release: U.S. condemns attack on USS Liberty

The White House

The United States condemns the attack on the USS Liberty II and is currently conducting an investigation into the party responsible behind this. The United States calls upon Israel to properly monitor violent groups within its territory so as to avoid an incident such as this from reoccurring. Although relations between the U.S. and Israel are strained at this time, we encourage them to be vigilante so we may conclude this unfortunate series of events peacefully.

NATO Intervention Expected

With tension mounting between Syria and NATO an escalation of the intervention is imminently expected. NATO is believed to be discussing troop movements to secure Syria with a promise of 30,000 troops from Turkey to contribute to a NATO mission. However, the US is cautious about contributing a significant number of troops to the mission and it remains unclear whether action will be taking.


In a recent meeting between the Turkish Prime Minister, Recep Erdogan, and Hamas Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mahmoud Al-Zahar established closer relations.

Both highlighted cooperation on relevant matters and examined bilateral relations given the recent developments in the region

Breaking News - Assassination attempt in Damascus

EET: 13:28 Damascus -

Evidence has just surfaced of a possible assassination attempt on Bashar Al-Assad in Damascus. He was last seen entering one of several vehicles just prior to an explosion 
occurring near by. Eyewitnesses saw several survivors fleeing the scene, Assad was not among them. More information to come.

Official Statement from the Islamic Republic of Iran regarding Zionist deceit

Recently, the Zionist deceivers have claimed the presence of four crates of C4 on the humanitarian aid ship that was illegally seized last May. Despite widespread condemnation from the international community, despite a one hundred-day hunger strike by innocent doctors and humanitarian worker, the Zionist Regime refuses to release their hostages.

However, the world knows that there is no way that there were any weapons on the flotilla, and this is simply a desperate and pathetic Zionist Deceiver ploy to shift blame and condemnation away from themselves. The Islamic Republic of Iran is disgusted by the Zionist Deception and implores the world to ignore the den of lies that they are trying to perpetrate.


Due to a recent assassination attempt on Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of the Hezbollah has been taking additional security measures to not make public appearances. Hezbollah intelligence might have reason to suspect Zionist involvement in this assassination attempt.

Hezbollah would like to condemn Israel in light of recent atrocities that the state of Israel have been involved in, and call for all Muslim brethren to stand together during this time of difficulty.
Disturbing reports have come out of Syria regarding the treatment of the German pilot. The pilot is believed to have been abducted by Syrian government officials after the emergency landing on the Damascus Mazzeh Highway. The information comes from a senior government official who recently defected and currently resides in Turkey.

PRESS RELEASE: Prime Minister of Israel on the Smuggler's vessels

The State of Israel is ready to release its preliminary findings regarding the detainment of the smuggler's vessel.

- Israel has detained 50 individuals.
- Weapons were brandished by the crew members at Israeli boarders.

- 4 Crates of C4 explosives were found hidden in the cargo holds of the vessels.
- Ties have been discovered between the crew members and Hamas.

The violation of the Israeli blockade was in and of itself a criminal act that if sponsored by a state is tantamount to an act of war. The discovery of explosives to be distributed to known terrorists is an act of war. The State
of Israel will, like any other state, investigate this threat to its sovereignty to the fullest possible extent.

PRESS RELEASE - Davutoglu praises Turkish led humanitarian mission of safe zone in northern Syria

Turkish Foreign Minister Davutoglu has stated, "the Turkish led safe zone in Syria shows the commitment that Turkey has to the people of Syria." Davutoglu stressed that Turkey will not let down as a regional leader in its fight to liberate the Syrian citizens from the oppressive regime of Assad. Davutoglu also stated that NATO should be soon deploying troops to support the Turkish mission.


The detainees held by the Israeli government continue a 100 day hunger strike to no avail.

Israel's detainment of foreign citizens has been seemingly forgotten given the escalation of current events.

Israel has yet to release these detainees and have not even provided legal presentation for them.

They have been held in a remand prison since the flotilla incident last May.

Merkel Demands release of German pilot in Syria

German chancellor Angela Merkel released a statement today regarding the captured German controlled NATO plane and German pilot over Damascus today. 

Merkel called on the Assad administration to release the German pilot and remnants of the plane to Germany immediately. 

If the Assad administration does not comply, Merkel promised military intervention in Damascus to retrieve the pilot and euro-fighter jet.

Al Jazeera Reporter Shot Dead Compton Style

Al Jazeera reporter, Mohammed, was gunned down in a Compton style drive-by shooting on the Syrian border early this morning.

Mohammed was interviewing refugees fleeing the escalating violence in Syria since NATO's "no-fly zone" policy was implemented.

Mohammed's recent journalistic endeavors have left him as a polarized figure in the Arab world, ranging from named "bravest journalist" to receiving death threats from enraged clerics.

The Al Jazeera family sends its gravest condolences to the family and friends of Mohammed.

Russian Federation Press Statement

May 19th, 2013

Moscow - The Russian Federation issued a statement earlier today, commenting on the crisis unfolding in the Middle East, specifically between Syria and NATO-Member States. In a two hour long press conference, President Vladimir Putin answered questions regarding the position of the Russian government regarding the escalating conflict between NATO and Syria.

When asked regarding the creation, and legality, of the ‘No-Fly’ zone over Syria, President Putin replied that ‘We do not condone the actions of the NATO countries in creating a ‘No-Fly’ zone over Syria. Russia does not condone any forms of violence against civilians, but this is a conflict that must be resolved by involved parties within Syria. Once more, Russia stresses the importance of diplomatic solutions.

Ultra-Orthodox Jews Protest Israel Military Draft

Thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jews have protested in Jerusalem against plans to enlist men from their community into the army.

Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said at least 20,000 protesters took part in Thursday's rally near the city's military draft bureau.

About a dozen arrests were made when violence erupted and men hurled bottles and stones at officers, some on horseback, who used stun grenades to quell the unrest.

A water cannon was also deployed as protesters set alight rubbish bins, a regular occurrence at ultra-Orthodox demonstrations. At least six officers required medical treatment and two were taken to hospital, Rosenfeld added.

Rabbis warned protesters that army service would irreparably harm their way of life.

"The government wants to uproot [our traditions] and secularise us, they call it a melting pot, but people cannot be melted. You cannot change our [way of life]," Rabbi David Zycherman told the crowd.

An Israel Radio commentator said the participants came from the most hardline elements of the ultra-Orthodox community who shun any compromise with the authorities on army service, and even refuse to recognise Israel for religious reasons.

U.S. Secretary of State Press Release

By CNN Staff
updated 12:52 PM, Sun May 19, 2013

(CNN)-- In a recent press release from the U.S. Secretary of State, John Kerry stated:

"I would like to deny all allegations that I am somehow responsible
for leaking any information regarding confidential meetings of the US
cabinet. I would ask that the press check its sources before reporting
on false information from talk show hosts overzealous in their hatred
for this administration."

Pro-Assad Cyber-Attacks

The website and Twitter feed of the Financial Times (FT) have been hacked, apparently by the "Syrian Electronic Army", a group of online activists who say they support Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

The group on Friday posted links on the newspaper's Twitter feed to a YouTube video, uploaded on Wednesday, which purports to show members of the al-Qaeda-linked Jabhat al-Nusra Syrian rebel group executing blindfolded and kneeling members of the Syrian army.

The video could not be independently verified.

"Various FT blogs and social media accounts have been compromised by hackers and we are working to resolve the issue as quickly as possible," a statement from the newspaper's press office said.
Twitter was not immediately available for comment.

Hacking attacks on verified Twitter accounts of media organisations have triggered urgent calls for the micro-blogging website to increase account security, particularly for news outlets.

Stories on the FT's website had their headlines replaced by "Hacked By Syrian Electronic Army" and messages on its Twitter feed read: "Do you want to know the reality of the Syrian 'Rebels?'", followed by a link to the video.

The FT is the latest media organisation under attack by the group, which was also behind last month's incident involving the AP news agency.

In that hack, the Syrian Electronic Army took control of AP's official Twitter feed and sent out a bogus message that two explosions at the While House had injured President Barack Obama.
The false tweet triggered the US financial markets to take a brief but steep plunge.

"Twitter has become a big enough media outlet that they should provide better security for high-value accounts like the Associated Press, the FT and others," said Mikko Hypponen, chief research officer with security software maker F-Secure.

The Syrian Electronic Army has claimed credit for hacking various news organisations including Al Jazeera and Agence France-Presse.

Weed and Waistlines

I may not be a specialist, I may not be smart, but I sure as hell know what is going on in the world. There is a serious nutrition overdose in the West and way too much marijuana in the Middle East. Let me explain.

Marijuana. Do you think those Arabs sit around smoking “shisha” all day? How can you entertain yourself with that for hours?  While in the West we move toward liberalization of this “medicine”, it remains illegal in most of the world. The problem is: drugs are only addictive when they are illegal. There’s just no denying that fact. Governments are drugging their people into a stupor, creating a generation of addicts who sit complacently while their governments destroy the world.

Never fear, there are people concerned with the plight of the world like Mary Guiness. “Now that you mention it, I’ve met an Arab who smokes marijuana. That’s crazy. They all must be addicts. This is a serious problem!” At which point Mary called her boss to quit her job in order to dedicate her life to the liberalization of marijuana.

Feedings. In the West we have been overfeeding ourselves and in particular, overfeeding our politicians. If politicians have ever felt hungry, they wouldn’t be worrying about everything going on. If they had real problems, they wouldn’t have troops. If they felt the suffering of their people, the delicate organisms we call “politicians” would surely decay. We’re too… not hungry. Let’s build some backbone.

Henry James from our great state of Alabama agrees that our politicians are being feed too much. “We should cut back on feedings and maybe things will get done around here.” He points to overfeeding as the main reason for the economic recession of 2008. “If you want things done, you make sure there’s food on the other side of what you want done. You gotta give politicians something tasty, something they want. But without twinkies, we’re s**t out of luck now.”

- A concerned Blogger

BREAKING NEWS: Further Attacks on NATO MIssion in Syria

BREAKING NEWS 05/19/2013 12:32 PM

Hours after a United Kingdom NATO plane was shot down by the Syrian Military, another attack was attempted on a NATO aircraft mobilized by the NATO Air Force Armaments Groups (NAFAG). The attempted attack targeted a German Eurofighter Typhoon, the same model as the aircraft previously shot down.

The attempted attack caused an engine failure of the German Eurofighter and it was forced to carry out an emergency landing on the main government-owned Damascus Mazzeh Highway. The highway is one street down from the President’s residence. No details have been disclosed regarding the condition and exact location of the German pilot but he is believed to be in the custody of the Syrian government.

Germany has been cautious on further interventions in Syria but the recent events might spur them onto further action.

Prime Minister David Cameron also recently commented on the tragic events in Syria. Will this provoke further NATO action?

Iran executes two suspected spies

Iranian authorities have executed two men convicted of working for Israeli and US spy agencies, Iran's Fars news agency says.

Mohammad Heidari, accused of passing security-related information and secrets to Israeli Mossad agents in exchange for money, and Kourosh Ahmadi, accused of gathering information for the US Central Intelligence Agency, were hanged at dawn on Sunday, the report said.

The sentence for their execution was handed down by Tehran's Revolutionary Court and confirmed by the country's Supreme Court.

The report did not say when the pair were arrested nor when their trial took place.
Iran has in the past said it had successfully detected and dismantled spy networks operating inside the country.

It has blamed the assassinations of scientists associated with its disputed nuclear programme on Western spy agencies, especially Mossad.

The US has denied any role in the killings. Israel has not commented.


Several government websites in Saudi Arabia were hacked in a series of heavy cyber attacks from overseas in recent days, disabling them briefly until the attacks were repelled, the government has said.

An investigation traced the "coordinated and simultaneous attacks" to hundreds of Internet protocol addresses in a number of countries, an unnamed source at the Saudi Interior Ministry told SPA, the country's state news agency.

The interior ministry website crashed on Wednesday after it received a "huge amount" of service requests, but was back online less than two hours later after the "necessary technical drills" were performed to counter the attack, the source said.

The report made no mention of a possible motive.

Businesses, government agencies and critical infrastructure operators face unprecedented challenges from increasingly sophisticated cyber attacks launched by criminals, hacker activists and foreign governments.

An attack last year on national oil company Saudi Aramco, the world's biggest oil company, damaged almost 30,000 computers and was one of the most destructive cyber strikes conducted against a single business.

That attack used a computer virus known as Shamoon. A group that claimed responsibility said Saudi Aramco was the main source of income for the Saudi government, which it blamed for "crimes and atrocities" in several countries including Syria and Bahrain.

On Friday, the website and Twitter feed of the Financial Times newspaper were hacked, apparently by the "Syrian Electronic Army", a group of online activists who claim that they support Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Official Statement from Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkey

Turkey Will Stand Ever Strong

We the Turkish government are OUTRAGED by this irresponsible and reckless behavior perpetrated by the Syrian government. This chemical strike has brought unimaginable suffering to not only the innocent refugees, but the peace-loving Turkish people. We weep for the loss of Deputy Prime Minister Besir Atalay, we weep for the loss of the Syrian refugees, and we weep for the loss of President Bashar al-Assad’s humanity and sense of decency. The proud sons and daughters of the Turkish motherland will not allow the Syrian regime to continue their reign of terror. The time will come when the fearless opposition forces will take back Damascus and expel the horrors inflicted upon them by a cruel autocrat. Turkey stands in solidarity with the Syrian freedom fighters and refuses to become a pawn in President al-Assad’s deplorable game.

Violence in Syria Escalates

The Syrian army has pounded the rebel-held central town of Qusayr, killing at least 51 people in an apparent preparation for a ground assault, watchdog and activists said.

The attack on Sunday came a day after a rare interview with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was released, in which he said that his government was not using "fighters from outside of Syria, of other nationalities, and needs no support from any Arab or foreign state".

There are now conflicting reports as to whether or not government forces have entered the town center, with state TV reporting the army is inside the walls, but the opposition fighters telling Al Jazeera that this is not the case.

Reports coming out of Qusayr, which is in Homs province, said fighters of the Lebanese Hezbollah 
movement assisted the military.

Al Jazeera's Nisreen el-Shamayleh, reporting from Amman, said that regaining control of the town was essential to pro-Assad forces.

"We're hearing that the military is getting help from Hezbollah in neighbouring Lebanon, which is a staunch ally of Damascus," she said.

"The rebels are calling for more help and weapons to try to face the Syrian government [forces]. It seems like a very heavy offensive, that could turn into a ground assault, according to activists.

If the military overpowers the rebels in Qusayr, "it's a very strategic win, because the town connects
Assad's seat of power, Damascus, with the towns on the coast, many of which support him," she said.

Rami Khouri, director of the Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs, American University of Beirut said that Assad would want control of Qusayr before the conference being planned for June to discuss a resolution to the conflict.

"There are several different strategic, diplomatic, and political factors that makes Qusayr particularly important," he said.

"It is the heartland of the Alawite community, it has been used as a conduit for supplies, men and guns going in to Syria, and it is close to Lebanon.

"Assad wants to make sure he is in the strongest position possible if this conference takes place."

Prime Minister Speaks out on Syrian Action

Today David Cameron expressed deep regret and condemned the the loss of a UK fighter jet over Syria. The jet was involved in the operation to impose a no-fly zone over Syria in response to the government killing of civilians. He hinted at further UK action in Syria stating, “The UK will not stand idly by while Syria disregards international law. We are fully committed to the current operation in Syria and we will not be deterred by the Syrian government's actions.” This further opens the possibility of more extensive NATO intervention in Syria.

Germany Denounces Israeli Actions in EU Meeting

Sources report that German officials are pushing for the European Union to suspend Israel's associated state status in the EU until Israel returns all currently held detainees to their respective countries.

This tie between Israel and the EU has existed since 1995 when the Association Agreement (AA) was signed.

The agreement incorporates many free trade arrangements between the EU and Israel and suspension of this association would have massive negative ramifications for the Israeli economy.

Approximately 33% of Israel's exports go to the EU and more than 40% of its imports come from the EU.

This move, if approved, could have long lasting geopolitical implications and permanently alter the EU's relationship with Israel.


Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, is nowhere to be found. He has not appeared publicly nor made any official statements regarding the recent developments in the region.

Tel Aviv stocks suffer worst loss in decades; TA-25 sheds 13.5 percent

TASE suffers heavy losses Monday morning as US suspends all military and financial support.

London - The Tel Aviv Stock Exchange was the scene of carnage on Monday as its major indices crashed amid soaring worldwide anger against the Israeli government. The United States recently announced the suspension of all financial and military aid to Israel, a historical decision which reverses decades of friendship between both nations.
Trading was suspended briefly on Monday afternoon after the TA-25 plummeted by 11 percent. Trading was resumed after half an hour, at which point the index plunged further, ending the day with a loss of 13.5 percent.

Major Turkish stock indexes fell between 6 and 7.4 percent as investors worried that chemical weapon attacks by the Syrian army would force Turkey to take military action against in the rapidly escalating Syrian conflict. Reports that Syria shot down a British NATO Eurofighter Typhoon hit the FTSE 100, with the London-based emerging markets bank Standard Chartered leading the index lower in after-hours trading as investors sought to exit positions in companies with large exposure to the Turkish market.
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), the powerful pro-Israel lobby published a scathing report calling for Congress to reverse course over the momentous blow to Israel. Prominent members of the Jewish community have criticized the current cabinet and leading members of congress for being “anti-semitic” and have vowed to “make their voices heard”. 

BREAKING NEWS: USS Liberty II bombed at the Port of Haifa, Israel


It has been reported that the USS Liberty II has been attacked. The American destroyer was at a port of call in Haifa, Israel when the attack occurred at 2:00 AM local time. It is suspected that 50 kilos of C4 explosives were used based on the assessment of the damage reported by eyewitness accounts. Certain analysts suspect that the bombing was carried out by the group Lehi; however, these reports have not been confirmed. No confirmed number of casualties has been received.

The United States government has not commented as of yet.


May 19, 11:40 AM
Statement by President Bashar Al-Assad of Syria:

In light of this recent international infringement on Syrian sovereignty, I have decided that Syria has the right to defend itself against this joint display badgering and terrorism. This is why my brother, Maher al Assad, head of the Syrian military, decided that we should shoot down the NATO airplanes that are seeking to invade Syria and become another Zionist Western occupying force.
We will fight for our country until the very end.

Syrian Military Shot Down United Kingdom NATO Plane


LONDON - Just a couple hours after the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)’s enforcement of a No Fly Zone in Syria, the Syrian Military has shot down a United Kingdom NATO Eurofighter Typhoon. The number of casualties and damage caused have not yet been disclosed.

NATO recently reached consensus to mobilize the NATO Air Force Armaments Groups (NAFAG), including but not limited to the Aerospace Capability Group 2 (Effective Engagement), Group 3 (Survivability), Group 5 (Global Mobility) and so on. The no-fly zone is supposed to take preventive action against the regime in attacking civilians or rebels. The joint forces are also mobilized in order to escalation on the use and mobilization of chemical weapons in the region.

Official Statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Iran

The Islamic Republic of Iran applauds the United States in its decision to place increasing pressure on the Zionist State for their illegal detainment of humanitarian workers. Iran welcomes the addition of other nations towards this effort to combat the brutal regime of Israel. Iran wishes to see the United States act upon its declarations, and rescue from the wrath of the wretched Zionist State its citizens at all costs. Iran would like to see Turkey and other NATO members to act upon their national obligations to rescue their citizens. 

Official Statement from the President of the IRI

These are dangerous times we are living in! When Chemical Weapons are being used against the peace loving nation of Turkey and hostages are being held by the ultra violent Zionist occupiers. We cannot support the use of chemical weapons, serving no purpose except to instigate grave humanitarian violations. Chemical Weapons are an abomination that should be eradicated from the world, Iran condemns the use of chemical weapons by any party. We similarly turn our heads to the recent unveiling of the true purpose of Zionism, The destruction of all free peoples everywhere! Even the United States, the Great Satan cannot deny the evil that is inherent in the Zionist Regime. THEY MUST BE DESTROYED BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE! Yet, through all of this we must remember the Turkish citizens who have suffered these acts of terrorism. We, the Islamic Republic of Iran, express our deepest condolences to all of the victims in Turkey and we continue to support Turkey in these trying times! We cannot forget that these two great nations have stood as one through the ages, we are now, and ever shall be, friends!

President of the Islamic Republic of Iran, 
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad 



CIA Director goes on live television and tells Israel in an unprecedented verbal attack on Israel to "bring it on" on the intel front.

A interesting new and unpredicted turn of events following the recent military developments in the Middle East.