Saturday, May 18, 2013

Iranian Drones Shot Down by IAF

Iranian drones shot down over Israeli Air Force.

Anonymous official from Israeli Air Force (IAF) confirmed today that two Iranian drones were detected entering Israeli airspace from the Lebanese border.

Earlier this month the IAF closed airspace in Northern Israel to non-military traffic after the air raid on a shipment of anti-aircraft weapons meant for Hezbollah.

Iranian Minister of Intelligence, Moslehi, vehemently denied any knowledge of these "Zionist accusations".

In an interview with AlJazeera corespondent Mohammed Al-Hajri, the head of Iran's intelligence ministry stated that the burden of proof lies with Israel.

"Israel should prove these drones came from Iran."

When asked regarding any Iranian drones being dispatched over Lebanese or Syrian airspace, Moslehi stated that nothing came through his desk regarding using drones to gather information about the flotilla incident earlier this month.

"Nothing came through the intelligence ministry regarding dispatching drones." "If any drones were ordered, I was kept out of the loop."

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